Friday, September 20, 2024

ATOMICHAND ~ Live At La Parroquia (2024)

For me to get excited about a split record it has to be pretty exceptional. Lo and behold! Here's one genre bending amalgamation of the heavy stoner psych of Iglesia Atomica and deathly, thrashing grindsters Out Of Hand, that fits the bill perfectly. 

Iglesia Atomica opens the album and I've never heard them rock harder than this. A constant chatter of barbed jams squeal and shriek from the speakers, mutated from the incessant use of the wah pedal and groaning under the weight of stoner riffs, the heaviest I've heard from the band yet. 

Out Of Hand surprisingly features two members of Iglesia Atomica but any other similarities stop there. This section of the album spits deathgrind of the most poisonous kind. Angry, spiteful, with a penchant for exploring the HM-2 sound. A rollercoaster deathride, Out Of Hand live is a raging assault one minute before churning out merciless breakdowns the next.

So, a split featuring two completely different styles of music where Iglesia Atomica fries your brain in acid while Out Of Hand tramples all over the smoking remains.

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