Friday, November 22, 2019

VAALTOVASHE ~ Time Foul Constellation [2019]

VAALTOVASHE ~ Time Foul Constellation

Ever found yourself at the top of the cellar steps, door swung shut behind you plunging you into total obliterating darkness?You fumble for the light switch only to discover that light hasn't entered this particular space for a very long time. Your heart rate multiplies rapidly and the inescapable feeling of oppression and dread looms over your shoulder breathing its frightful breath on your neck?


Give 'Time Foul Constellation' a listen make the small hairs on your arms and neck stand straight to attention. The four tracks that make up this excellent album are 'The Thing' waiting for you at the foot of those cellar steps. Ugly, blackened death/doom besmirched with evil occult spells and chants. The thing that makes this album rise above the crowd is the bands successful attempts to make each track like a mini, warped witches opera, similar in concept to something that may have been released by CULTES DES GHOULES. Howling vocals are swept along by a twisted and tormented rhythm section and in what is a credit to the band and Roland Rolas of Cavern of Echoes who mixed this ( In a cauldron)? although there are various parts to each song, nowhere do any of them lose focus. Heaviness remains, the death metal parts are scorched, charred and brutal, the doomier sections burrow into places that only the likes of EVOKEN dwell.

Time Foul Constellation, a tarot of arcane poems and dark astrology.

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